Blog Post

How your home can negatively affect you

Feb 22, 2021

Look Good, Feel Good

Some people just don’t have an eye for things. Whether that’s with your clothes, your living room or something else. Overall, you just struggle to keep things looking good together. I’m here to tell you that that’s okay! Nobody is perfect but you should always try. You may ask, “why should I try if I am not good at it?” Well, I am going to tell you why!
You may have come to terms with your messy and clutter filled home but did you know that it’s negatively affecting you? tells us that at least one study shows that this could be damaging your physical and mental health.

Added Stress

We have all heard the saying “If you look good, you feel good”. Well this goes for your house as well. Those who are organized know where things are in their home and spend less time stressing. According to Webmd though, “In one study, women who saw their home as cluttered had high levels of the stress hormone cortisol throughout the day, while those who described their abode as well-organized, restful space had lower levels”. Crazy to think that your home can have that big of an affect on you.


Not only will clutter make your houses mess, but it’ll also make your brain a mess. How can you focus on one thing when there’s so much around you? Webmd also said that “Researchers have found that being around disorganization makes it harder for your brain to focus”. So maybe, you struggling from working at home is caused by the discomfort around you.

Depression and Anxiety

Not only can a dirty home have an affect on you but it can also have an affect on your relationships. When you don’t clean your room, you might just shut the door so when others are there, they won’t see it. What about if your whole house is dirty though? You probably won’t be having people over which leads to a lack of social interaction. When humans lack social interaction we tend to feel upset and alone. Webmd tells us that this could be a reason why messy people tend to mix with depression and anxiety disorders.


These are just a few ways a cluttered and unorganized house can negatively affect you. Nowadays, it’s hard to find the time to clean up your environment around you, but if just tidying up a little would make a person feel ten times better, I think it’s worth it!

