Lean Layout
Spending hours going into an overwhelming furniture store and not finding anything you are drawn to? Or maybe you're sick of looking at 50 different paint shades that all look the same!

Ordinary people who are busy with their day-to-day life shouldn't have to go through all this hassle to make their house look good.

Don't stress about it...

We want to help!

About Us

To homeowners who want their dream home, Lean Layout will allow you to access designers who can help you create it. We are the start up on the way to helping you get your dream home within your budget! We value you, your wishes, and all of your personal needs to get the job done!

Our Team

Survey Results

"Interior designers seems a bit stuffy, so meeting online would be a more comfortable route for myself".
"My life is hectic these days with a toddler. Doing so online would allow me to do so when I have time".

"What is a dream home if you haven't got a dream?"

~Julius Shulman

